Investment Services
9AM - 5PM Mon - Fri
About Us
Lyman Phillips V is the founding principal and CEO of Golden Lion Capital Investments. With a foundational background in the hospitality and commercial real estate industries, Lyman is responsible for developing and implementing the company’s overall strategic initiatives and plays the primary role in the company’s investment activities.
Originally from Natick, MA, Lyman currently resides in Palm Beach County. He graduated from UMass Amherst with a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management within the Isenberg School of Management. Lyman currently serves as a member on the Planning and Development Board for the City of Boynton Beach and the Committee for Palm Beach Young Professionals.
Lyman visualizes the big picture and abstract concepts throughout the industry to find value in any situation. He is well connected, and culturally perceptive which combined with his geographical knowledge gives him an unparalleled awareness of major US markets.
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