Real Estate
To schedule a consultation appointment, please email Info@StratMang.com.
About Us
@StratMangPro is a professional strategy consulting and management services firm specializing in real estate. We help organizations around the world achieve their business ambitions.
In addition to providing strategic & organizational advising services, we offer Owners Rep & Project Management services for all capital improvement projects & tenant fit-out scopes of work, including the procurement of design/engineering development consultants and construction contractors & vendors. We serve the Landlord, HOA, and/or Board of Directors during all CIP & Condominium Recertification project phases including, but not limited to, 25/30/40/50-Year Recertifications, Luxury Residential Capital Improvements, Infrastructure Upgrades, QOF Renovations, and Chapter 558 Defect Renovation & Restoration Projects.
Alongside our client’s legal counsel, we provide peace of mind luxury strategic oversight of design & engineering consultants, third-party inspectors, and construction contractors to ensure our client’s projects are performed in a cost-effective & timely manner. Among other service objectives, our primary goal is to serve as a strategic buffer for our clients to minimize their exposure to exorbitant design & construction change order fees that often times unnecessarily accompany real estate projects in the absence of a specialized Owner’s Rep. On special request, our team also provides luxury yacht refitting project management services for already owned or newly purchased vessels including broker services.
We customize all of our services based on each client's needs & SOW.
Video Media

@StratMangPro's Standard Project Organizational Chart

Luxury Residential 40-year Recertification Emergency Shoring & Concrete Restoration Project

Custom Steel Channel Structural Column Emergency Shoring

Luxury Residential Balcony Glass Panel Delamination Replacement Project

Luxury Residential Balcony Glass Panel Delamination Replacement Project

Luxury Residential Balcony Glass Panel Delamination Replacement Project

Luxury Residential Balcony Glass Panel Delamination Replacement Project

Luxury Residential Chapter 558 Private Garages Enlargement Project

Luxury Residential Chapter 558 Private Garages Enlargement Project

Luxury Residential 40-year Recertification Emergency Shoring & Concrete Restoration Project

Luxury Residential 40-year Recertification Emergency Shoring & Concrete Restoration Project

Luxury Residential 40-year Recertification Emergency Shoring & Concrete Restoration Project

Luxury Residential 40-year Recertification Emergency Shoring & Concrete Restoration Project

Luxury Residential 40-year Recertification Project - Electrical Panel Clearance Violation

Luxury Landmark Interior Renovation Project - High Ceilings (Before)

Luxury Landmark Interior Renovation Project - High Ceilings (Before)

Luxury Landmark Interior Renovation Project - High Ceilings (Before)

Luxury Landmark Interior Renovation Project - Flooring (Before)

Luxury Landmark Interior Renovation Project - High Ceilings (After)

Luxury Landmark Interior Renovation Project - High Ceilings (After)

Luxury Landmark Interior Renovation Project - High Ceilings (After)

Luxury Landmark Interior Renovation Project - Flooring (After)